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  • well, I took medicine, but it was wired...it was sorta like a posion but a medicine at the same time. (Not real posion!) It made my earsclogged it was kinda hard to hear, but It also releived any pain from the real ache. It's been bout a week, and I could tell the infection was gone but the medicine wasn't, so I popped my eardrum! =O What? lol I had no choice and It felt better ever since. =)
    lol I know right! Well, as for me I slept over my freinds house and stayed till 6:00 p.m. the next day, I have a clogged ear! Errg! I really want to get rid of it but nothings working!

    I hope school is far far away...=O
    lol how are you? My winter break from school is making me sleep in so late....10:44, real wake up time 5:30....

    oh boy I better get back on schedule soon. :)
    I'm in the last time don't coming here because the "Ead" & start my study .. good luck for me LoL.. what about you ..? how r u ..??
    Hey CherryBlossom! I just wanted to inform you that I started a blog; its not very interesting yet, but I started one so... YAY! :)
    Hi! Good to hear all is well. The papers said the dire was arson. That's really bad. Seems it's been a bit quiet over the holiday weekend. I didn't do much either.
    I hope you are well. Those fires must have been awful, though it seems they are coming under control. Am i right on that? We are having very nice weather here in Pittsburgh.
    Hi! I see you're on-line. I was kept busy all day. Hope you are really great. I'll check in tomorrow.
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