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What do you call your, uh, "nether regions"?

Quirky Jessi

Jan 15, 2012
Vagina? Vag? Va-jay-jay? Crack? Crotch? Pubic area? Bikini area? "Down there"?

It can be a rather private topic, so feel free to skip right over this topic, but I'm curious for the rest of you..... what do you call it? Does it vary who you're talking with (like your doctor vs your girlfriends)?
I have 3 girls ( yes...pity me:p) and they absolutely refuse to refer to their lady parts at all. I have never seen so many
prudes in one spot!! But, and that's a big but, in the event we need to discuss their girly parts, it's called the Hoo Hah.
I know, they aren't just prudes, they're prudes that lack creativity.
Interesting question! I have actually never thought of it before this. When I was younger my gran used to refer to our nether regions....as a 'cookie'. SO, that is what I called it when I was younger. Then when I hit puberty, I realized that I did not like that word so much and just thought of it as the word given 'vagina'.

But I just find that word so clinical somehow.

So now, I just call it my V. Not very creative but it works for me.
I have 3 girls ( yes...pity me:p) and they absolutely refuse to refer to their lady parts at all. I have never seen so many
prudes in one spot!! But, and that's a big but, in the event we need to discuss their girly parts, it's called the Hoo Hah.
I know, they aren't just prudes, they're prudes that lack creativity.

My daughter is the opposite of yours! lol - She is 15 and she drops the "vagina" word at the drop of a hat! lol - She was at this trampoline play place, and in front of everyone she yells, ouch! my vagina hurts! LOL
I say private area when I do mention it. However, I rarely talk about it. If I'm talking to a boyfriend about it, I'll say "little R". That comes from my first name:).
If I'm talking to a boyfriend about it, I'll say "little R". That comes from my first name:).

Lol, that's a good one. I don't think it'd work too well with me. Calling it Little J would make me think "Va-jay-jay" which makes me cringe whenever I hear it. :oops:
My Mom refers to it as a flower so as a baby girl, I call it "my flower" :p But when I grew up, I referred to it as "Keepsy" because it is something that we keep down there. Oh well, that's how me and my friends refer to it :)
My friends and I refer to it as hoo-hah if we're talking about it. Although now it seems that everyone uses that word so everyone knows what we're talking about. Another one of my groups of friends calls it the va-jay-jay.
I have one daughter who is not shy at all and doesn't care who hears her talk about it and then I have on daughter who refuses to talk about it all. I have always referred to it as the bikini area or when the girls were younger I called it their girl parts.
Haha, it usually depends on who I'm talking to. When it's with my friends we all would be referring to it as either vagina, va jay jay, or fanny. :p
If I'm talking about it with my boyfriend (not like we actually talk about my privates..), I usually just refer to it as "down there". :D