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Teen Pregnancy

Jan 15, 2011
Hey guys. A few days ago I started to get scared about teen pregnancy. I watched this TV program and it was saying about how 8 out of 10 teen girls get pregnant each year. I was really scared that if I get pregnant how I am going to tell my parents. But don't worry, I'm totally not pregnant right not, because I haven't had "it". Have any of you girls had "it"? If you have been pregnant, how did you tell your parents?

Hearing your teen telling you that she was pregnant could be the most heart breaking news a parent could ever heard for as a parent you could feel that you were not good enough in guiding your children for such things to happen. If this case happened parent can't do anything but to extend their guidance & loved for their children as she enters parenthood.

I hope you will not be one of those teens who got pregnant.
Not 8/10 out of teen girls get pregnant. But teenage pregnancy is on the rise due to the glamorizing of teen moms on MTV and the Hollywood baby boom.
Abstinence is the only 100% way to prevent pregnancy. If you choose to have sex, be safe and use birth control or a condom.
Hey guys. A few days ago I started to get scared about teen pregnancy. I watched this TV program and it was saying about how 8 out of 10 teen girls get pregnant each year. I was really scared that if I get pregnant how I am going to tell my parents. But don't worry, I'm totally not pregnant right not, because I haven't had "it". Have any of you girls had "it"? If you have been pregnant, how did you tell your parents?


I am grateful that I didn't experience such thing and I am an adult now still don't have a baby.( I guess this is worst. :). Getting pregnant at your teen years is somehow hard because of the fact that you are still young and maybe the guy is no job to support you and the baby. It is expected that the parents will get at angry at you or might even slap you, etc. But you need to be honest with your parents at the first place. Telling them earlier is better than telling them later. Confessed and admit your mistakes and accept whatever their reaction might be. But as much as possible avoid have a pre-marital sex specially if you are young. The enjoyment that it gives will only last for a minutes but if you will get pregnant it makes your life up side down especially if you are still studying and its hard to cope up with the situation. It takes time to stand up again of where you fall. I've known some friends into that kind of situation.

So, the best thing to do is AVOID it as early as possible.
8 out of 10 is a much higher rate than the reality. Here in the US, it was about 40 births per 1000 teenage girls between the ages of 15-19 in 2009, and I believe it's lower in the UK and Western Europe. However, teen pregnancy is definitely something you want to be careful about if/when you decide to become sexually active before marriage. There are lots of misconceptions about birth control among teenagers. For example, some believe you can't get pregnant the first time or you can't get pregnant standing up. Both are false.

The only way to be 100% safe from teen pregnancy is to abstain from sex. The second best way is to "double up" by using two different forms of effective birth control. For example, condoms plus the Pill. There are lots of good, informative sites where you can learn how to protect yourself if you decide to become sexually active. Scarleteen is a popular one that's written specifically for a teenage audience.
Yes I've had "it" since I have two kids at the moment :p
I am really glad I didn't back when I was a teen. But my sisters did.
I can very well see how my mom's heart broke back then.
I agree that it is one of the most terrible news that a parent could hear.
Hope the youth today, specially girls, would be more aware of the pro's and con's of whatever they wanna do so they would have a good control of their future.
Since I have a son I've definitely had "it" :-P And although I wasn't a teen when I had him, I was 22, I don't think I would have had much of an issue telling my parents. The very first time I had "it" I went to them and told them so that my mother could take me to the doctors and I could be placed on birth control pills. I realize how hard it can be for teens to tell their parents and how parents can feel devastated by the news but I think that being open and honest about it is key.
I am glad that I didn't get pregnant as a teen. You shouldn't be having sex if your not ready to be a mother, even if you do use condoms. Their is always a chance that you could still end up pregnant. The best thing for you to do at this point in your life is to practice abstinence.
Nice for you that you know what is right and you know how to be a responsible teenage girl. Not only it would be hard to tell your parents but it would also affect your life as well. It was not easy to be a parent specially if you are not yet ready to be one.
i was a pregnant teen..hehe..i'm 18..i gave birth to a beautifull son about a month ago...i was so scared to tell my mom..when i told her she was in such a shock for days..she couldn't eat, drink, sleep, nothing..she was just smoking bcs she was so nervus and angry at me...i told my dad a couple of days later while we were haveing lunch..all he did was repeating:you are stupid (eating) you are stupid (continues to eat) you are stupid.....so on, so on...that was our whole lunch..those 2 words....i was in andvatage bcs he allready knew my boyfriend from before, we were in a relationship for 2 and a half years...soo...that's it..i don't know what else to write
Not 8/10 out of teen girls get pregnant. But teenage pregnancy is on the rise due to the glamorizing of teen moms on MTV and the Hollywood baby boom.
Abstinence is the only 100% way to prevent pregnancy. If you choose to have sex, be safe and use birth control or a condom.
Sometimes I feel those shows are a good way to help teens see how hard it can be to be a parent, but on the other hand I 100% agree with you. It's like these teens see it happening so much on these shows that it almost seems normal and OK to have a baby at such a young age. I think those shows should all be canceled.

Yes, abstinence is definitely the only fail-proof way, but teens since the beginning of times it seems have been having sex and will continue to have sex. Teens, I say educate yourself on everything possible when it comes to protection and diseases if you feel you really must have sex.
I was a teen mom & it was the hardest thing I did in my life! I'm just lucky that my daughter hasn't followed in my footsteps. She just turned 15 & is more interested in school & music than boys right now. Although she does have a tendency to say this singer is hot or that actor is drool worthy. But that is totally normal & I can deal with it as long as that is all that goes on.

I think the main reason she has avoided it so far, is because she knows exactly how hard I had it in high school trying to raise her & do my schoolwork. Plus, we've had very frank discussions about sex & she gets easily embarrassed about it so I don't think she's really ready for that anyway.
Honestly I think if you are going to have sex, you should be ready to have a baby even if you're not planning to have one yet. Because even if you're using a condom or even doubling up with the pill, there's still that one chance. I am not willing to take a chance like that. There is also a chance that the condom could be used incorrectly.
Where did you hear that 8 out of 10 teenage girls get pregnant? That statistic seems a bit high. You shouldn't have to fear teen pregnancy. As long as you wait you will have nothing to worry about. Getting pregnant as a teenager is very difficult for both the parents and the teenager. The parents may feel like a failure and you may feel as if you have wasted your entire life. However, even if you do get pregnant, children are such a blessing from God and it is important to remember that!