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Our Flat Is Toootally Haunted


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
New Zealand
Haha, ok moved into our new flat for this year of uni and a few odd things have happened and my flatmate totally believes in ghosts so everytime she's like


1. At about 4am I woke up to hearing two of my flatmates giggling away. Turns out one of their electric toothbrushes had gone off randomly and since it was in one of those wall holder things that was against their bedroom wall, it vibrated all through their walls and they were laughing cos it wouldn't turn off. He'd turn it off and it'd turn itself back on again. Off. And on. And off. So they ended up putting it between two cushions in the lounge for the night and in the morning it was fine with totally enough battery.... (I dunno why they didn't just take the battery out but there ya go...)

2. Just now the jug boiled itself. Twice.

3. The footsteps in the hallway!

4. Now, I personally believe this was the flatmates, a cruel jokes cos they know I can't handle having my reality messed with - I got up one morning and the hook which has my shower loofa hanging on it had been moved up waay too high for me to reach it. And they still wont admit it was them.


So haunted!
oh my! That is a little odd huh?! Talk to the ghosties! Ask them who they are!!

I know T! It could be the ghooOOOOooost right now!

I also missed another one - the self-locking toilet. Thank goodness you can unlock it from the outside.

And my flatmate wont let me ask it cos her biggest fear is ghosts and what if something goes wrong and it gets stronger and then we'll be well and truly haunted and she'd be home alone and freaking OUT!

If she ever lets me, though, I'll totally tell you guys hehe.
Dammit maybe it IS Patrick Swayze... AND we have a pottery wheel..... OH NO.

Banned? Aw man! PLeeeeeaaase can she come over?
Hmmm... maybe we could do a straight swap

BTW I notice Patrick has just been given about 5 weeks to live..... So.... perhaps I jinxed him....
No, I'd swap for you....

I mean.. thistle would end up with Patirck AND a pottery wheel.... so she can't complain