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Looking for a color and style that will suit my fair complexion


Jun 2, 2011
After years of neglecting my own personal wardrobe sense and dressing like a mom, I'm ready to get fashionable again.

But, I have no clue what's hot as far as colors go.

I have a small budget for clothing but don't want to blow it all on the wrong colors.

Of course, black is always a good basic, but it's so boring as a color for the wardrobe. I wouldn't mind black pants or slacks but would prefer another color for the top.

What colors are hot right now for upcoming summer (casual and casual sophisticated) and fall?

Can anyone tell me what are some good basic staple items to have for any season? It's been awhile, like I said.

Need some help before I spend money. Thanks!
With fair complexions, I think girls who go for the rocker look, with dark eyes, big hair, black ripped jeans and vests with loads of necklaces is incredible. I'm saving up to swap my whole wardrobe to get black/grey clothes to pull off this look :p
That sounds really epic. Even gothic. When I'm in the mood for the gothic look, I like to glam up, go real dark with the eye shadow and heavy mascara/liner and dark lipstick. It's very bold and striking against light skin. You might check online at Ebay or some of the consignment shops locally for vintage pieces that will give you the rocker look. You can actually get some very expensive clothing doing that, not just having to settle for what you can afford paying full retail.
Fair complexion really goes well with any color friend.
But I think you should go for lighter colors for it makes one person look younger.
Me? My personal favorite color for clothes is white.;)
Amazingly, I'm attracted to yellows too, cause it's so bright and cheerful and makes me feel very energized. Some people only think of pink as a beautiful color, but I think yellow is very sunny and feminine.