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Just A Big Blegch


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
New Zealand
Went to a comedy gig tonight with the two flatmates. After, the guys like "I wanna go home" so the girlfriend says "yeah alright" and then they say, oh no, I don't need to come home with them. Well, who am I going to stay out with?? I was quite keen to stay out another 20min, have a beer together and hang but no. The girlfriend totally noticed I wasn't happy and gave me a whole lot of totally legitimate reasons for not staying out. "so much work on, nice to know you've got someoent o go home with if you want to, big meeting for an assignment tomorrow morning, swimming from 7.30am" so can't argue, and I said so. I'm just annoyed cos that's always what happens. There's always a tonne of good reasons to not hang out.

Plus today everyone at the supermarket were complete idiots, racing round, cutting me off, being generally annoying. The lolly flavour I wanted was all gone so I had to settle for these stupid star things which looked fun but are not satisfying at all. There were no council rubbish bags so I had to get stupid budget ones so we'll have to rebag all the rubbish which I'm so over doing cos I always make everyone else do it and then they get all annoyed cos blah blah have work to do. The other flatmate who is never here is annoyed that we don't keep the house clean so, since the house is so messy already, threw wet toiletpaper balls on the shower ceiling. Which would be pretty funny if she was on the cleaning roster and had to clean up her own mess. The flat may be a pigsty but at least its our own mess and maybe if you actually lived here, didn't throw it in the vegetarians face all the time by totally filling up the freezer with meat so there's no space for bread, we'd have a little more respect for you. She leaves her rubbish beside the bin if the bin is full and then the rabbits pull it apart. We've told her not to leave things around else they will get destroyed. And rabbits eating plastic bag is not desirable. please don't try to kill our adored pets.

I'm just generally angry. So angry. Really angry about the supermarket. I'm quite sick of not doing things I want cos I feel bad encroaching on others but I can't be all "get the hell out of my way" cos that's just rude and just cos other people are complete idiots doesn't give me legitamite reason to. Two wrongs don't make a right but I bet if I didn't feel so insanely guilty about it, it'd feel pretty damn satisfying.


I'm going to sit in the lounge and fume for a while til I'm ready for bed :(

Oh yeah and I just want to THROW MY LAPTOP AT THE WALL cos the registry is completely screwed so itunes wont update and nor will office. So I tried doing fancy crap with the registry changing permissions on it but the STUPID thing tells me that, on the problem key, I don't have permission to view the current permissions but I can make changes. So I changed the ownership anyway (cos I can still make changes???), make the new owner have complete rights and THEN it tells me I can't SAVE my changes. Well, what the HELL is the point in being able to make changes if you can't save them and can't see what the original settings were?????? WHAT THE HELL. AAARRRRGHHH. But then I found something called reghance to fix the registry which was free 3 years ago but now costs. SO I tried to download it, after a few hours found someone who has it and i can get free temp subscription for but it wants me to register my non-existent paypall account even though the subscription is free! And no other free regclean program seems to work on my computer.


Still basically in love with my best friend, love spending as much time as possible with them, so am struggling not to follow them round like their pet. I'm frustrated with it and can't wait for the space when I go overseas though I'm going to miss them immensely and its FRUSTRATING. I just want them as a friend but it wont go away...


And I'm steadily more peeved that at the beginning of the year we rocked off (played paper scissors rock) for room decision between me and flatmate who is never here. We had to do it by text though cos we weren't all down in Dunedin. To make it more trustworthy, just in case she'd think we cheated, me and her texted her boyfriend rather than texting our other flatmate who I'm really good friends with. And then SHE cheated - her boyfriend told her what to pick. SO she got the sunny room and I got gyped with the darkest room in the house and she's never home to enjoy her sunny room and even when she is she's freaking nocturnal so doesn't get the sun benefit anyway! We're here over winter so get crap-all sun anyway and then she cheats me out of the sunny room she's never in! I never minded for ages cos she's so lovely besides but i'm feeling pretty damn bitter right now about everything
Gahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I'm sorry your flatmates continue to be a pain in the butt :( Perhaps Subby might be able to help with your laptop. He's a clever boy!