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how to burn fat


New Member
Jun 1, 2011
can anyone tell me how to burn fat from my stomach..i have 2-3 inches fat stomach..so please tell me how to reduce it with in one or two weeks?
I don't think there is a magical way to dissolve pounds off the body. All you can do is limit meat consumption, eat more fiber to fill the tummy so you won't get hungry and focus more on an all veggie/fruit/bean diet. Those tips helped me shed at least 20 pounds in 2 months, easily without exercise. Though it's always best to check it out with your doctor first to see if a diet is right for you.
I don't think that you can safely do this within 2 to 3 weeks. If you want to burn fat from around your tummy you need to diet and do lots of toning exercises.
That is good advice Chris. I would like to add to drink plenty of water. Stay away from all foods labeled sugar free, avoid all sodas and sweet drinks. Consume less sugar and processed foods. Eat mostly whole, raw foods.
The only way is a sensible diet and targeted exercises, there are no quick fixes. Many of the adverts you see for products that will 'burn fat' are dangerous, they will not work and they can leave you with other health problems.
I don't think that you can safely do this within 2 to 3 weeks. If you want to burn fat from around your tummy you need to diet and do lots of toning exercises.

And, cut out the meat! There's no way around it. You might switch to beans and legumes and peanuts but the meat has got to go. When I cut out meat, I lost SO much weight. It really did melt off my body but only cause I wasn't putting that junk in there. I'm not saying I don't like meat, but it does cause me to gain weight. No surprise since they give growth hormones to cattle and chicken to super size them, except it usually super sizes me.
I started drinking water with slices of cucumber and lemon, with a sprinkle of ground ginger in. It really helped me keep my stomach small and the friend I adviced to drink this has really slimmed because of it.
Diet high in fiber and daily or frequent exercises could help you a lot in removing those tummy fats. Sit ups, crunches and running are some good exercises to start with. Avoid fatty foods and junk foods.
Follow the tips below and you'll soon notice a difference:

1. Eat! Yes, eat. People make the mistake of not eating enough and later on suffer the consequences. Keep a diary and jot down whatever you eat in a day. Check calories online or if it's on the label then good. Make sure you're eating more than 1200 cals per day.

2. Eat whole grains, complex carbs, less starchy veggies, fruits, lean protein from meat, beans and lentils, fat free dairy and plenty of water.

3. Workout. Do 20 - 30 minutes of moderate pace cardio like running, jogging or a workout dvd but before doing that lift weights. Strength training is soooo important or else you'll end up looking skinny-fat.

4. Lastly, sleep more than or at least 6 hours.

Good luck!
I've heard mixing a tablespoon of apple cider into water or juice works.
You need to buy the organic kind with the "mother" in it. The pasteurized kind won't work.
Drink the vinegar conction with a straw so the acidity doesn't damage your teeth.
You can not spot reduce fat. BUT, you can start a good exercise plan that includes at least 30 minutes of cardio 4 to 5 times a week. Pilates and yoga are great for toning, but again if you have fat covering muscle no one will see the muscles! It is possible to lose 1 to 2lbs a week in a very healthy way. Typically you would reduce your calorie intake to around 1200. Read your labels, stay away from red meats for a little while, esp ground meat. Boneless skinless chicken breast, and fish are the best meats for diets. Steamed veggies are your best choice. Try to reduce your sugar intake and drink tons of water. Make yourself super aware of you liquid calories, those are what tend to get you!!
OH and just FYI an inch of fat equally about 5 or 6 lbs of body fat.
How do you lose fat off your thighs? It's the hardest place, because exercise seems to just tone them instead of being thinner :/
Its very hard to lose it with the given span of time. Even if you do lots of toning exercises it will still be not enough.

Toning exercises and lots of water plus other style of exercises will help you lose weight but NOT fats on your stomach, I humble suggest that you do sit ups 3x a day, while you do this don't push yourself to your limit or you'll just get yourself tired. by doing this, you may not achieved a 3 lbs lose but 1-2 lbs perhaps. :)

Good luck my friend. :)