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Bloody Show


New Member
Apr 16, 2005
Planet Lottie
I had a bloody show for a week, after my mucus plug fell out, before Alex arrived and on the day I went into labour it increased dramatically. Here is some more information on what to expect:

Bloody show. The combination of baby's head descending into the pelvic cavity and the prelabor contractions thinning the cervix can "uncork" the mucus plug that previously sealed the cervix. The consistency of this mucus varies from stringy to thick and gooey. Some women notice the one-time passing of an obvious mucus plug; others simply notice increased blood-tinged vaginal discharge. Some of the tiny blood vessels in your cervix break as your cervix thins, so you may see anything from a pink to a brownish-red-tinged teaspoonful of bloody mucous. If your discharge shows more blood than mucus – like a menstrual period or a lot of bright-red blood -- report this to your practitioner immediately. Once you notice a bloody show, you are likely to begin labor within three days, but some mothers hang on for another week or two.

Taken from: Source- askdrsears.com